© Frank Schemmann / Hermann und Clärchen Baus
© Frank Schemmann / Hermann und Clärchen Baus
Hugo Wolf
Denk' es, o Seele! (Mörike Songs No. 39)
Franz Schubert
Die junge Nonne D 828
Franz Schubert
Der König in Thule D 367
Hugo Wolf
Lied vom Winde (Mörike Songs No. 38)
Franz Schubert
Lied der Mignon D 877/4 "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt"
Franz Schubert
Mignon "Kennst du das Land" D 321
Franz Schubert
Lied der Mignon "Heiß mich nicht reden" D 877/2
Franz Schubert
Lied der Mignon "So lasst mich scheinen" D 877/3
Hugo Wolf
Ganymed (Goethe Songs No. 50)
Hugo Wolf
Verborgenheit (Mörike Songs No. 12)
Franz Schubert
Der Zwerg D 771
Hugo Wolf
Komm, o Tod (Spanish Songbook)
Franz Schubert
Der Fischer D 225
Franz Schubert
Ins stille Land D 403
Hugo Wolf
Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt (Goethe Songs No. 6)
Hugo Wolf
Heiß mich nicht reden (Goethe Songs No. 5)
Hugo Wolf
So lasst mich scheinen (Goethe Songs No. 7)
Hugo Wolf
Kennst du das Land (Goethe Songs No. 9)

Just a few streets away from Franz Schubert’s birthplace in the Vienna district of Alsergrund, Hugo Wolf died on February 22, 1903. But these two foremost song composers of the 19th century are connected by much more than a biographical coincidence. Curated by Thomas Hampson, the program of the Pierre Boulez Saal’s 2024 Schubert Week will spotlight parallels and contrasts in their oeuvres and examine the music of Schubert and Wolf in a larger historical context by pairing their works with those of other composers. As in seasons past, acclaimed lied performers and rising young artists will be heard in concerts and workshops.

In Cooperation with Liedakademie des Heidelberger Frühling Liedzentrums & Hampsong Foundation

Approximate running time: 1h 30m with one intermission
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Pierre Boulez Saal
Französische Straße 33 D
10117 Berlin
Season 2023/24,
Schubert Week
Past Event
Pierre Boulez Saal
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